4 Facts About Vaping You Should Know
You’ve probably heard that vape in Dubai is not a smoking cessation device. While this claim is true, e-cigarettes also contain chemicals. While they may not be harmful to your health, these devices can increase the number of young people who switch from smoking to vaping. In this article, we’ll discuss some facts about vaping that you should know. First, e-cigarettes produce water vapor instead of smoke, so you’ll be able to tell which ones are true and which aren’t.
E-cigarettes produce a water vapor rather than smoke:
While e-cigarettes do not produce smoke, they do release chemicals into the air. The e-cigarette aerosol is not pure water and is contaminated by nicotine, carbonyl compounds, and volatile organic compounds. Nicotine, the most common ingredient, is also linked to various health problems, and flavorants can be harmful as well. For example, diacetyl, a substance used to give foods and beverages a buttery flavor, can cause cancer and popcorn lung.
They contain chemicals:
Many ingredients used in vaporizers are potentially harmful. One of the most common chemicals is diacetyl, found in over 75% of flavored vape liquid. This chemical causes skin cancer, and muscle cramping, and can even be deadly if inhaled in large amounts. Lead, a common chemical in cigarettes, can also be dangerous if inhaled in high enough doses. Lead poisoning can result in fatigue, headaches, seizures, and permanent damage to the brain. Nickel dust and tin-based compounds have been found in vaping products and can cause respiratory and neurological harm in high doses.
They increase the chances of young people switching to cigarettes:
Recent research suggests that young people who use e-cigarettes are more likely to switch to cigarettes in the future. The same study found that a third of middle school students had used marijuana in an e-cigarette. But even though the use of e-cigarettes among young people is considered less harmful than traditional cigarettes, it is still a dangerous practice. The FDA has the authority to regulate e-cigarettes, so it’s not clear what the effects will be on young people.
Alter the immune system:
E-cigarette vapors alter the immune system. This study found that nicotine reduced the number of neutrophils in the body, which are white blood cells that fight infections. However, it was unclear whether e-cigarette use increased the risk of infections or simply decreased the strength of the immune system. In a follow-up study, the researchers found that e-cigarette use decreased the number of neutrophils in the lung, which is important in protecting the body against infection.